Edie Sotor Realty, LLC

Your home adventure starts here

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Hi, I'm Myra!

As a seasoned real estate professional, I understand that buying or selling a home is more than just a transaction: it’s a life-changing experience. That’s why I am dedicated to providing exceptional, personalized service for all of my clients. I take great pride in the relationships I build and always work relentlessly on the client’s behalf to help them achieve their real estate goals. My philosophy is simple: Clients come first. I pledge to be in constant communication with my clients, keeping them fully informed throughout the entire buying or selling process. I believe that if you’re not left with an amazing experience, I haven’t done my job. I don’t measure success through achievements or awards but through the satisfaction of my clients. I would love to hear your real estate goals. Contact me – Myra T. Patureau


    I’m one of seven children, number six to be exact.  My three sisters, two older brothers, my younger brother, Dad, Mom, Grandma and I lived in North Baton Rouge.  Moved there when I was six weeks old.  With ten people in a three-bedroom house, you learn early on that keeping your area neat, doing your chores, being on time and abiding by the rules were key to being a good citizen in the Patureau family.  All of us children graduated from the same high school and had jobs by the time we were sixteen years old. Contributing some funds to the household was never asked for but was surely welcomed.  We went out on our own eventually. Hopefully, to make a positive impact in the world.  I believe we did.  

    I graduated from LSU with a Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees and served 41 years in the Diocese of Baton Rouge as a teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal. I was on numerous boards and committees throughout.  I was fortunate enough to be recognized with several awards which I would not have received without the countless, hardworking faculty and staff persons who always made me look good.  In 2011, I decided that it was time for me to go in another direction and was fortunate to begin serving as a REALTOR® for Edie Sotor Realty, LLC in Baton Rouge. What a wonderful opportunity for me to be associated with this Brokerage, especially Edie Sotor its Broker. I have learned and continue to do so from her over 30 years of experience in this very community of Baton Rouge and its surrounding areas.  It is a privilege to help Buyers and Sellers so that they may enjoy the experiences of living their dreams to the fullest. I look forward to sharing ideas with you so that you can do the same!


  • Owner/Broker 
  • e-PRO®
  • GRI® / Graduate, REALTOR® Institute
  • SRS / Seller Representative Specialist

Myra & Miss Lily

Areas Covered


St. Amant

Denham Springs



Baton Rouge









St. Francisville

St. Gabriel

This is What We Do... And More!

For our Buyers

  • Help in finding the right home to purchase.
  • Provide guidance in understanding and negotiating the terms of the sale.
  • Help with the price negotiations.
  • Communicate with and respond promptly to the Buyer.
  • Educate the Buyer about the process.
  • Prepare a current Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) report.
  • Determine what comparable homes are available.
  • Explain a sample sale contract.
  • Clarify and assist with paperwork and forms.
  • Suggest resources to find and arrange financing.
  • Research neighborhood demographics.
  • Counsel the Buyer throughout the process.

For our Sellers

  • Evaluate the property during a preview visit with the Seller.
  • Prepare a “To Do” list for the Seller.
  • Research and prepare a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) Report.
  • Review the CMA Report with the Seller and agree on strategy.
  • Explain and prepare marketing documents and disclosure forms.
  • Engage a professional to photograph the interior and exterior.
  • Employ a professional to measure the property.
  • Contract a professional to sketch a floorplan drawing.
  • Share property details in the Multiple Listing Service.
  • Market property details on multiple online i.e. realtor.com, homes.com, etc.
  • Personally contact the Listing and Buyer agents in the area about the property.
  • Clarify that a Buyer must provide a lender pre-approval letter before a showing will be confirmed.
  • Require that a Cash Buyer provides proof of funds provided before a showing will be confirmed.
  • Negotiate the best sale price and terms acceptable to the Seller.
  • Communicate with and respond promptly to the Seller.

Meet Our Buyers and Sellers

Why Work With Me?

My top-notch customer service and commitment to our clients is second-to-none.

Market Expertise





Full-time agents.


Your time is valuable. That's why I will take the time upfront to understand your unique wants, needs and dislikes to ensure the rest of our time together is productive as possible.


You have questions and I have answers. I'll make sure that you feel confident and empowered when it comes to make important real estate and purchasing decisions.

Referral Network

As a Baton Rouge native with real estate experience since 2011, I am very proud of my trusted referral network. I can't wait to share my home-grown experience with you.


Why People Love Living Here!

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